Jet 708376 JWL-1220 12-Inch X 20-Inch Wood Lathe

Friday, July 27, 2012

Ancient Greek Wedding Theme

Ancient Greek Wedding Theme

Is your man, "Your Greek god?" Why not celebrate with an Ancient Greek inspired wedding theme? Not to be confused with a college toga Party, the Ancient Greek theme wedding has been mostly overlooked in recent years. This is probably due to its popularity for frat and sorority parties on college campuses across the country. Those events are not about elegance and the result is often tacky. I know it's not hard to understand why the theme is not on the tip of a bride's tongue when it's time to pick out a theme for the wedding.

Ancient Greek Wedding Theme

Ancient Greek Wedding Theme

Ancient Greek Wedding Theme

Ancient Greek Wedding Theme

Ancient Greek Wedding Theme

Still it can be fun and rewarding to play with the ancient Greek architecture and fashions when designing your wedding celebration:

Of course, pulling off any theme reaches beyond the decor of the room. Just like a theater event, the averageindividual's ability to embrace an atmosphere depends largely on the appearance of the principle players. That does not mean that in order for you to pull off an ancient Greek themed wedding that you have to get married in a toga-no way! In fact the toga is not even Greek. It's the Roman addition to the culture.

Choosing such a wedding theme does mean that your gown and the Dress of the rest of your Party should be tastefully reminiscent of the styles favored by the Ancient Greek peoples. As such you should start by commissioning a wedding Dress based on a design inspired by the sculptures of Aphrodite and the timeless beauty of ancient Greek Clothing styles in general. Then add an elegant wedding sandal to complete your wedding theme and accent your look.

Build your Greekwedding theme decor with pillars. It's usually most practical to have the big pillars you need made from Styrofoam if you can not find a facility that was built with columns or you need more for the ambience of the room. You can have them professionally made or if you know a wood worker that person might be willing to cut them for you with his lathe. Then it's just a matter of painting them to your satisfaction. For most, the spray paint designed to give a stone finish will work, but ultimately every bride should play with a few pieces of scrap Styrofoam and a variety of paints before deciding. The small pillars, for the basis of your table centerpieces can be found at most any craft store.

Accent your ancient Greek themed wedding with some elegant looking urnsplaced strategically around the room. These too can be easily found at most craft stores. After the wedding, keep the urns in your home or apartMent with dried flowers in them or just as accent pieces by themselves-there is little that will make your wedding budget go further than identifying these rare opportunities to buy something for your wedding that you can use to better your life afterwards.

Assuming the manageMent of the facility hosting your wedding agrees, rent a fog machine to give the Top of Mount Olympus "feel to your event-either for your ceremony, or for the dance floor at your reception-or both!

Ancient Greek Wedding Theme

Sunday, June 24, 2012

ATV Kelly Blue Book

ATV Kelly Blue Book

When people want to sell their motorcycles or ATVs they generally try to find what the current market values are for their vehicle. The main guide that is used by the industry and various individuals is that of the Kelly blue book. The Kelly blue book is updated from year to year. This makes it possible for you to find motorcycle and ATV Kelly blue book figures as well.

ATV Kelly Blue Book

ATV Kelly Blue Book

ATV Kelly Blue Book

ATV Kelly Blue Book

ATV Kelly Blue Book

The Kelly blue book is basically reliable but there are a few factors that may need the appraisal of a private appraiser. These items are various aftermarket parts, paint and graphics Jobs on the body of the ATV, the condition of the vehicle and the number of miles that have been used by the ATV.

Of course you don't always need a private appraiser's opinion when you are considering buying orselling a good conditioned ATV. The ATV Kelly blue book will usually have the values that dealers and ATV companies sell their stock for as well as the types of vehicles that they sell.

You can find the Kelly blue book at your local library, credit companies, book stores and sometimes you can also find the these blue books at your local ATV dealership. In addition to these venues you will also be able to find the ATV Kelly blue book on the internet. Of course the Kelly blue book is only a guideline for the various prices that you can expect from the ATV market.

There are some private ATV owners who will use the Kelly blue book price, maybe the beginning point for their pricing of the ATV. With these individuals you may be able to bargain the price of the ATV down to anamount that is acceptable to both of you. Now the one thing that you will need to take into consideration with second hand ATVs is that once the price has been finalized between the parties you can't bring the price down to what is stated in the ATV Kelly blue book.

Now you must understand that the ATV Kelly blue book will give the current pricing for known ATV models that are in popular demand. As the market price is found from information given by ATV dealers and dealer surveys in addition to consumer sales information the Kelly blue book will not be able to Supply you with information regarding ATVs or Motorcycles that are probable considered as collectors items.

ATV Kelly Blue Book

Monday, May 21, 2012

Choosing Your First Metal Lathe

Choosing Your First Metal Lathe

If you're the type person, who wants to go beyond woodworking or perhaps try your hand at building a small steam engine or IC (internal combustion) engine you most likely will be looking for a metal lathe. Choosing a metal lathe is somewhat intimidating, especially for the first time buyer. A simple web search will yield all kinds of opinions and choices. One thing you quickly learn is there can be fierce loyalty to brand names, country of origin, size, and sometimes-even color!

Choosing Your First Metal Lathe

Choosing Your First Metal Lathe

Choosing Your First Metal Lathe

Choosing Your First Metal Lathe

Choosing Your First Metal Lathe

So I may as well get into the fray and submit my ideas. However, be forewarned, I have a few dogs in the fight. Over the past 20 years I've owned an American and Asian lathes, in fact I'm on my forth lathe right now. I hope that during the past 20 or so years I've beenable to pick up a few tidbits that may help you in your choice.

First, let me break tradition. Most people will tell you "any lathe is better than no lathe". However, I don't necessarily agree with that. I believe, in worn out lathe is nothing but trouble, ESPECIALLY for someone who has never used a metal lathe before. Therefore, before we start talking about size, color, heriTAGe, or if this is your first lathe, please seek out a lathe that is at least in "good" condition, not some worn out hunks of cast iron.

Choosing Your First Metal Lathe

Monday, April 16, 2012

How to Make a Wooden Gate

How to Make a Wooden Gate

There are some simple home projects which you do not need to go out and hire some expensive contractor or carpenter. One of these which you yourself can do is a wooden gate for your yard.

How to Make a Wooden Gate

How to Make a Wooden Gate

How to Make a Wooden Gate

How to Make a Wooden Gate

How to Make a Wooden Gate

Relax, making a wooden gate all by ourselves is an exciting adventure and doesn't need to be hard or impossible. If we do everything systematically it shouldn't be too hard. To build a wooden gate we need the right design for a specific purpose.

In making a wooden gate ourselves the first thing we need to do is design it. This means we take exact measureMents based on the width of the opening where we want to put up the gate. We also consider the height of the fence around it. Everything must be compleMentary, after all we want form and functionality, right?

Then we buy theneeded wood pieces-4 by 4 inches latch and hinge posts, gate frames measuring 2 by 4 inches and picket wood pieces measuring 1 by 2 inches. These are mere suggestions; wood sizes may vary depending on our wooden gate design. We also need some nails, screws, 3 to 4 hinge sets, and the latch. The sizes and number of pieces depend on the size of the wooden gate.

We dig holes for the latch and hinge posts. A depth of 3 feet, more or less, ought to do. Insert one end of the posts into the holes and reinforce with rocks and earth intact at the sides to keep it from moving. Or pour concrete at the sides. Then we install horizontal frames for the wooden gate fitting the gateway. We also fix the gate hinges permanently to the hinge post.

Then we install thediagonal frames. Measure them to accurately fit the horizontal frames. To attach drill holes through them and the horizontal frames and insert long screws. Mark spots, which are evenly spaced, allotted for the pickets. Use a square. Then attach them to the wooden gate using nails or screws at their bottom side. Two screws or nails each would do.

Finally, mount the wooden gate. Detach the gate to render the wood to a smooth finish and accurate fitting by scraping extra wood thickness. Then re-mount by attaching the hinges to permanently again. Make sure the wooden gate opens and closes to and from its post jamb or latch smoothly.

It is best to make the wooden gate right where we intend to install it. This enables us to get the actual measurement needed andbasis of the wooden gate dimensions from it. Handle carpentry tools and materials with the greatest care and make sure to wear gloves when hammering nails, fitting, driving screws, or cutting with a saw.

Make sure all tools are in good condition, like ensuring that the chisel or plain blades are sharp. Sharp tools make the work easier and safer. Wear a carpentry apron if necessary.

It's exciting to make our own wooden gate. We can start experimenting with our garden gate.

How to Make a Wooden Gate

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wooden Covered Wagon Plans-How to Build Your Own Wagon

Wooden Covered Wagon Plans-How to Build Your Own Wagon

Covered wagon makes a good transportation for crops. Small wonder why it is a nifty structure to have around in the farm. And it can be easily done too. If you have the time and inclination, you'll just need wooden covered wagon plans and you'll be set to start this project.

Wooden Covered Wagon Plans-How to Build Your Own Wagon

Wooden Covered Wagon Plans-How to Build Your Own Wagon

Wooden Covered Wagon Plans-How to Build Your Own Wagon

Wooden Covered Wagon Plans-How to Build Your Own Wagon

Wooden Covered Wagon Plans-How to Build Your Own Wagon

I have preference for the use of wood for this project for the simple reason that I find it easier to handle wood compared to other type of materials. Furthermore, wood offers a level of durability while remaining light weight.

If you've decided on building your own wagon using wood, here are a couple of things you need to consider and plan for:

DiMension of the Wagon

Way before you're going to buy the materials you will be using for this project,yo need to determine the exact size of your wagon. The amount of materials needed depends on this one factor.

To get to a preferable size for your estate, you need to consider its main purpose. You need to consider aspects like the type of items frequently loaded in the wagon as well as its quantity.

A typical wagon of this kind would measure 4 feet wide and 12 feet in length. It is enTirely up to you to decide if this diMension suits your purposes as well.


There are several materials you will need to prepare for this project. Now, the plan you will be using may have indicated its own list of materials, but usually, the most common materials used for this project are: wooden beams and planks, wheels, wooden pole, iron braces, nails, bolts, canvas, 2axles and wooden lathes.

For the wheel, you have the option of buying or making your own. Since in my own experience, the wheel seems to be the most complex part of wagon building, I strongly suggest that you buy a ready made one. Also, be sure that the wheel is secured safely into the body of the wagon.

Wooden Covered Wagon Plans

True enough, you may have to invest time and effort in this project. However, if you have very good wooden covered plans to guide you for this project, you won't have to go through unnecessary glitches. And thus, construction wouldn't take overly long time.

Wooden Covered Wagon Plans-How to Build Your Own Wagon

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How to Build a Bat Rolling Machine

How to Build a Bat Rolling Machine

One of the most searched areas in bat rolling is how to build a bat rolling machine.

How to Build a Bat Rolling Machine

How to Build a Bat Rolling Machine

How to Build a Bat Rolling Machine

How to Build a Bat Rolling Machine

How to Build a Bat Rolling Machine

There are several factors that go into building a bat roller. I will break this article out so you can make a no enlightened decision to whether you want to take on such an endeavor.

Here are some questions that need to be answered before you start a project.

How the machine works Parts and Materials Cost Time

How the Machine Works:

Before any of these can be answered you will first need to decide on what type of machine you are looking at.

Most parallel machines can roll both ways, but a perpendicular machine can only roll 1. Also a perpendicular machine will leave flat spots in the bat and not roll the enTire sweet spot.

We highly recomMend a parallel machine.

The machines work by compressing the carbon fibers and laminates between rollers and then rolling the bat between the rollers. Primarily the sweet spot of the bats are the section you are targeting during the roll.

Material List


The cost of building a machine can greatly very ... but you can figure the minimum will be $ 200 plus, depending on your bearings and roller materials. It will be more for the state of the art plastics that are being used in the better bat rolling machines.


Building a machine will take some time as you will have to draw out the design and then cut and machine the parts and gather the bearings etc.

Bottom line is this is a project that can be taken on if you are a do it yourself person who has proper equipMent and time and some designing knowledge. To machining background or a friend who has one wouldhelp here.

Another viable option is to purchase a Bat Rolling Machine directly from a reputable manufacturer. Here are a few things to look for when choosing that manufacturer.

You need to stay away from a plastic called Acetal with a trade name of Delrin. It is really hard and has zero forgiveness.

How to Build a Bat Rolling Machine

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Woodturning Projects - Four Things a Beginning Woodturner Should Look For

Woodturning Projects - Four Things a Beginning Woodturner Should Look For

For the beginning woodturner, woodturning projects need to meet four criteria: They should be instructive, inexpensive, interesting, and quick. Meeting these simple conditions will enhance the learning experience with enjoyMent and have finished projects that serve to encourage the beginner to woodworking with the lathe.

First they need to be instructive. While it can be argued that any woodturning gives instruction to the beginner, there should be a deliberate thought given to choosing a project that teaches one or two new skills. Ideally, the project will work on existing woodworking skills and build from that experience to gain confidence on the lathe. The first tools to learn are typically the roughing gouge, the parting tool and spindle gouges. These allow the new woodturner to rough a square to round; shape with straight lines, beads and coves; cut to a determined diaMeter; and part off the finished project.

Second, the wood worker's project should be inexpensive. Most of the price of a project is determined by the wood used. In fact, the first few projects should consist of local woods that are cheap or free. Any other embellishMents should be easily found and inexpensive indeed, such as tea lights or copper pipe sections for handle ferrules. If a band saw is part of the shop set up it is simple to reduce a section of firewood to turning squares that will be fine for a variety of projects.

Third, the project should be interesting. Realizing that the beginning woodturner is intending to develop and refine skills, it is encouraged that the project be repeated several times. It is far better for the would be wood turner if the project maintains its interest through several incarnations. This is achieved in at least three ways.

1. It is developing new skills which has an interest value of its own

2. Most projects can be embellished with beads, coves, grooves, deliberate burn marks and other decorations, each of which is a learning experience for the beginner.

3. Projects can be used by the turner or given to friends and family unlike practise sticks that are at best highly decorated kindling.

Fourth, the woodturning project should be quick to produce. After all, the project is really secondary here. The primary need is to develop new skills on the wood lathe. One of the great ways to do so is to repeat, repeat, repeat. As the project is turned one time after another, the results can be lined up and compared to decide what is needed for improveMent and where the new wood turner can pat himself or herself on the back for a Job well done.

One such project for the beginner is a file handle. The lines are simple and can be performed with roughing gouge, spindle gouge and parting tool. Maple or ash from the firewood stash will do a great Job and the only addition needed, if desired, is a ferrule cut from some scrap pipe. Besides, every woodworker can use another file handle as can almost any amount of friends who can give encouragement as they exclaim in awe over the beginning wood turner's new skills.

Woodturning Projects - Four Things a Beginning Woodturner Should Look For

Woodturning Projects - Four Things a Beginning Woodturner Should Look For

Woodturning Projects - Four Things a Beginning Woodturner Should Look For